As a representative, it is my job to communicate with the people about legislation and their needs.
I am mandated to work for them.
My loyalty is to Tennessee. Not a party, foreign governments or institutions.

The Economy
I believe the economy is upstream from most social issues. Our current economy is more crony capitalist than it is free, and that is responsible for the majority of problems that some try to blame on capitalism. The free market, when it is allowed to do so, provides tremendous opportunity for people of all backgrounds, interests, and abilities. Crony capitalism, however, benefits the wealthy, powerful, and special interests who know how to influence policy makers. People are suffering from inflation caused by monetary expansion and I hope to communicate how monetary inflation is a hidden tax especially for the working poor.

America is a nation of immigrants. The process for legal naturalization and work visas needs reform and upgrades for efficiency. We must secure the borders even if that means physical barriers and the use of technology. In addition, The US government needs to take responsibility for their role in destabilizing Latin America and end any remaining policies that contribute to the dangerous environments people flee from in these countries.

Virtually every person wants access to quality healthcare at an affordable price. Currently, the healthcare industry is virtually monopolized by the government and a handful of insurance companies. Institutions such as the Food and Drug Administration also limit cost-effective access to quality care. The approval processes for new drugs and technology is lengthy and expensive. Because of this, the process favors the biggest companies with the most lawyers. Tort reform would also greatly reduce the cost of health care. I want to work to incentivize health savings accounts and direct primary care.